To help us understand that this treatment is the right option for you, please answer the following questions. If you get stuck or need any help, you can contact us.
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
If you are, please indicate which one (this may be an oral tablet, a gel, or a patch).
Is there a reason you aren't taking an oestrogen as well?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
If so, kindly describe the symptoms you have suffered.
You are under medication or receiving supplements
You have a medical condition
You are currently breastfeeding or pregnant
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
If so, kindly describe the symptoms you have suffered.
If so, kindly describe the symptoms you have suffered.
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
If so, kindly describe the symptoms you have suffered.
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
If so, kindly describe the symptoms you have suffered.
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
If so, kindly describe the symptoms you have suffered.
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
Breast cancer risk is enhanced when combined HRT is used.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) raises the risk of womb cancer.
Blood clots are more likely after taking HRT tablets.
The use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) raises the risk of cardiovascular disease (if started at age 60 or over).
HRT drugs should not be taken for more than 5 years, according to the manufacturers, due to a lack of research on their hazards after that time.
The majority of hazards associated with HRT use are minor and revert to baseline after HRT is discontinued. More information on the advantages and hazards of HRT can be found here.
Gender reassignment is a difficult procedure that requires a face-to-face consultation with a doctor and cannot be ordered over the internet.
You should use the smallest dose of HRT possible for the shortest duration possible.
If your doctor has instructed you to discontinue using HRT, you should stop immediately.
You should check your breasts for lumps on a regular basis. Instructions can be found here.
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
Antihistamines such as stemizole or terfenadine.
Cisapride for stomach discomfort.
Quinidine for circulatory problems.
Pimozide for schizophrenia.
Skin discoloration or yellowing of the whites of your eyes (jaundice).
A significant increase in your blood pressure symptoms which can include headache, dizziness & tiredness.
Migraine-like headaches, with or without vision disturbance, that occur for the first time.
You have chest pain that has moved to your arm or neck.
Blood clot symptoms such as painful swelling and redness of the legs, sudden chest pain or difficulty breathing.
You have or have had stomach or duodenal ulcers, as well as stomach or intestinal bleeding in the past.
Your doctor has ever told you that your kidney function is less than 100 percent.
You have previously suffered a terrible reaction to aspirin, ibuprofen, or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
You want to use Ibuprofen Gel on skin that is fractured, injured, diseased, or infected.
Clots in the blood
Breast, ovary, cervix, or womb/uterus cancer
Breast issues
Thyroid issues
Vaginal bleeding that is abnormal.
Blood pressure that is too high.
A blood clotting disease, often known as a blot clot.
Breast issues
If not, do you consume a progestogen (kindly specify)? This could be a Mirena coil or an oral tablet like norethisterone.
You can choose more than one option
Check your blood pressure and take a blood test.
Smear of the cervix.
Mammogram/breast ultrasonography screening.
Height should be above 1 ft 10 inches
This could be from an examination by your doctor, a certified medical practitioner or self-examination.
Please select your option
Please select your option
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
Please provide more information of the medication being used if any.
You have an underlying medical condition
You've been through a major surgical procedure
You have allergic reactions
You have cardiovascular conditions or might have had suffered a stroke
You suffer from a low liver or kidney function
Providing us with your physician's address means that you allow us to share this information with him/her for updated medical records if need be. It also allows our clinician to access your medical records if there is a need for that. We advice you share this treatment with your doctor for him/her to update your medical records.
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
if so, have you noticed any improvements on your symptoms?
If not, how did you know this treatment was suitable for you?
A healthcare practitioner should assess any acute injuries.
You should see your doctor about chronic pain at least once a year.