To help us understand that this treatment is the right option for you, please answer the following questions. If you get stuck or need any help, you can contact us.


If not, please describe in detail who the intended consumer is and how old he/she is.

You are allergic or hypersensitive to Scopoderm.
You've have a history of using hyoscine and suffered negative side effects.
You are already using the treatment to manage a different condition from travel illness
Glaucoma is a condition that you have.


Stomach conditions like Pyloric stenosis.
A hinderance in your bladder that makes it difficult or uncomforatable to urinate.
An obstruction in the intestines.
Straining of the eye that causes pain, vision impairement among others.

If you do, how successful were they?

Acute and unexpected abdominal pains.

Intolerable chest pains.

Visible blood when you throw up

High fever and an inflexible neck.

Acute headache.

Constant vomiting for more than 48 hours?
Vomiting so much that your body is unable to hold any liquids down?
Green vomit that serves as an indication of bowel blockage?
Confusion, a quick heartbeat, sunken eyes, and producing little to no urine?
Quickly or unplanned weightloss?
high fever, body chills, migranes, or diarrhoea?
Do you require assistance?

Do you require assistance?

Do you require assistance?

Please select your option

You have an underlying medical condition
You've been through a major surgical procedure
You have allergic reactions
You have cardiovascular conditions or might have had suffered a stroke
You suffer from a low liver or kidney function

Please provide more information of the medication being used if any.

Please select your option
Presently Pregnant
Presently Breastfeeding
Planning on getting pregnant
Neither Pregnant nor Breastfeeding

Please select your option
Transmale (Born a female)
Transfemale (Born a male)

Providing us with your physician's address means that you allow us to share this information with him/her for updated medical records if need be. It also allows our clinician to access your medical records if there is a need for that. We advice you share this treatment with your doctor for him/her to update your medical records.

If yes, what medicine was consumed and how effective was it?

Please select your option
At least 72 hours
A week
A month
More than a month

Please provide more information

You have an underlying medical condition
You've been through a major surgical procedure
You have allergic reactions
You have cardiovascular conditions or might have had suffered a stroke
You suffer from a low liver or kidney function